Ancient Rome is the title of this semester but the scope of the articles found here will include much more than the annals of that city and the empire which shepherded much of humanity under its name for centuries. But the story of Rome will figure prominently in the articles below and, anyway, some adjustment for search engine optimization must be made to serve the blogmaster’s puerile dreams.
The time period covered here overlaps some with the timeline of ancient history, beginning with the fabled founding of Rome in 753 B.C. and ending during the reign of Constantine the Great in the early fourth century. The articles will largely focus, however, on events and people farther West and North than the subjects of articles from the previous semester, though some space will be given to events in India and China.
Foundation Tales
The Time of the Kings
The Republic of Rome
The Celts Invade
The Punic Wars
Great Men of the Republic
Decline of the Democracy
The Gracchi
Julius Caesar
Mark Antony
The Triumvirate
Octavius Becomes Augustus
The Roman Empire
Foundation Tales
The Time of the Kings
The Republic of Rome
The Celts Invade
The Punic Wars
Great Men of the Republic
Decline of the Democracy
The Gracchi
Julius Caesar
Mark Antony
The Triumvirate
Octavius Becomes Augustus
The Roman Empire